Wednesday, March 4, 2020

times-square ROMANTIC or ASSAULT

At first sight you may think it's assault, The way her body is positioned it may look like assault to some but judging from the crowds reaction, I think of it as Romantic.

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

W- project

    I had some W's here and there, but in total not too much. 
I would say that it probably is very confusing for some people
when there is a-lot of layers to work with. The layering was the hardest part in my opinion because of the organizing that has to be done. If there was less layers it would not be as visually pleasant as I would want it. If there was too much layers it would be a complete me and i would get confused.
I think I went for a normal amount of layers. The gold W in the middle is the eye-catcher for this project, it pops out to the viewer. The red leaves at the top gives it a different taste to the piece. 
I loved giving the W's a different texture from each other. 
If I were to do this project all over again I would add more W's and more color .

times-square ROMANTIC or ASSAULT

At first sight you may think it's assault, The way her body is positioned it may look like assault to some but judging from the cro...